About Me?


I am so many things that you may not find out but what you need to know is that I am an avid admirer of little things. I appreciate the beauty in people around me. My posts are a reflection of my emotions. Subtle, as they are like the lights that shimmer on a droplet; sketches the ocean of thoughts I am sunk in. Vivid colors of strokes and crystallized lining of emotions assiduously adorn my posts. 

I believe in the magic of transformation and greatness that lies in the inner chambers of every person I meet. I may come across as an emotional snail on my posts but it is me being a witness to the wide ranges and degrees of thoughts that I believe drives humanity.

If you are a part of my posts, It only means you have crossed my mind so many times that I literally had to pen down the traffic you caused. So, Thank you?

Well, I am someone who loves to see that light at the end of tunnel. ‘Your eyes can deceive you, your emotions can take the best of you and sometimes your vibes can whisper the lies you want to hear. Yet, We luminous beings pride our crude sense of judgement. Our lives could really be acting out a painting on the canvas of one’s dream or a wild imagination. So, What do we know?’ Now, that’s how intricate my thoughts can get to when we indulge in esoteric debates.

That sums up;

You are welcome to judge me with my posts.

Read through! Happy reading!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. thoughts68 says:

    Hey which college did you study in?
    check out my blog and tell me what you think of it https://thoughts68.wordpress.com/2016/05/19/live-the-life-of-your-dreams%e2%9d%a4%ef%b8%8fmake-it-happen/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I studied in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore! Will do !


      1. thoughts68 says:

        Nice didn’t try IIT?


  2. Hi, Greetings! I hope you’re doing fine. Please may I have your email id to send a book review request. thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So sorry, I do not do book reviews.


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